Kullman, L. & Öberg, L. 2024. Recent growth dynamics of subalpine Krummholz pines (Pinus sylvestris) in the Swedish Scandes-rephoto evidence. Geo-Öko 45, 61-75.
Kullman, L. & Öberg, L. 2024. A one hundred-year study of climate change and the upper range of tree growth (Terminus arboreus) on Mt. Getryggen in the Swedish Scandes- updated change in an historical perspective. In: Emerging Issues in Environment, Geography and Earth Science Vol. 9. Ed, H. Yu. Book Publisher International, pp 13-49.
Kullman, L. & Öberg, L. 2024. Mt. Åreskutan nunatak: An arboreal "roadmap" to the paleobiogeography of the Swedish Scandes and a possible pointer towards a future revival of a richer and more biodivese mountainscape. European Journal of Applied Sciences 12(1), 219-242.
Kullman, L. & Öberg. L. 2023. The alpine treeline a "hot spot" for climate change-an observation narrative. Geo-Öko 44, 201-246.
Kullman, L. & Öberg, L. 2023. Subalpine "pinification": Early signs of a pending and distinct biogeographic shift in the Swedish Scandes: Review and updates. International Journal of Science and Research Archive 10(2), 402-432.
Kullman, L. 2023. Resurgence of warmth-demanding tree species and a common pending thermophilization in subalpine and northern boreal Sweden- an ecological signal of post-Little Ice Age climate improvement. International Journal of Science and Research Archive 09(02), 413-446.
Kullman, L. & Öberg, L. 2022. Recent and past arboreal change: observational and retrospective studies within a subalpine birch-dominated (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) mountain valley in the southern Swedish Scandes-responses to climate change and land use. European Journal of Applied Sciences 10(6), 201-265.
Kullman, L. 2022. Early Holocene presence of Norway spruce (Picea abies) on a high mountain nunatak in the Swedish Scandes: A further contribution to the biotic composition of the first deglaciated landscape and a link between past and present. International Journal of Science and Research Archive 06(01), 200-207.
Kullman, L. 2022. Forest-limit (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) performance in the context of gentle modern climate warming. European Journal of Applied Sciences 10(3), 168-185.
Kullman, L. & Öberg, L. 2022. Treeline ecotone progression and stability: time series analysis of individual photographic data 1973-2021 in the Swedish Scandes. European Journal of Applied Sciences 10(2), 468-498.
Kullman, L. 2022. Praealpine spruce (Picea abies) forest dynamics during the current Post-Little Ice Age era: a case in the Swedish Scandes. European Journal of Applied Sciences 10(1), 246-259.
Kullman, L. & Öberg, L. 2021. Blatant pine (Pinus sylvestris) reclamation of treeline territory lost during the Little Ice Age-an aerial perspective in a warmer climate, depicted in the Swedish Scandes. Geo-Öko 42, 39-61.
Kullman, L. 2021. Recent spruce (Picea abies) treeline ecotonal progression since the late 1980s in the Swedish Scandes-a repeat photographic narration and analysis. International Journal of Science and Research Archive 4(4), 67-85
Kullman, L 2021 Largest rises of Swedish treelines, consistent with climate change since the early-20th century. In: Turkmen, M. (ed.), Challenging Issues on Environment and Earth Science Vol. 6, 1-38. Book Publisher Interenational
Kullman, L. 2021.. Recent local birch forest (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) evolution in the treeline ecotone of the Swedish Scandes-response to earlier snow-melt. Recent Research Advances in Biology 11, 29-43.
Kullman, L. 2021. Soil temperatures at the birch treeline (Betula pubescens ssp, czerepanovii) - a 21-year record in the Swedish Scandes and a contribution to general treeline theory. International Journal of Science and Research Archive 2 (2), 172-182.
Kullman, L. 2021. A review of Abisko case study: recent and past trees and climates at the Arctic/Alpine margin in Swedish Lapland. In: Challenging Issues on Environment and Earth Science. Vol. 2. Ed. M. Turkmen. Book Publisher International, pp.1-25.
Kullman, L. 2021. Early Holocene presence of beaver (Castor fiber L.) in the Scandes sustains warmer-than-present conditions and a patchily treed and rich mountainscape. International Journal of Research in Geography 7(1), 1-8.
Kullman, L. 2021. Recently enhanced pine (Pinus sylvestris) regeneration and extensive penetration towards the head of the Handölan Valley: reversal of a long-term retrogressional trend- contrasting responses of tree- and forest line. In: Challenging Issues on Environment and Earth Science Vol. 3. Ed. Kwong Fai Andrew Lo. Book Publisher International, pp. 44-58.
Kullman, L. 2020 Black alder (Alnus glutinosa) - a further thermophiic tree species established in Swedish subalpine mountain birch forest. Light on modern climate warming and postglacial tree immigration patterns. Geo-Öko.4 1 (1-2), 167-181.
Kullman, L. & Öberg, L. 2020. Shrinking glaciers and ice patches disclose megafossil trees and provide a vision of the Late-glacial and Early post-glacial subalpine/alpine landscape in the Swedish Scandes - review and perspective. Journal of Natural Sciences 8(2), 1-15.
Kullman, L. 2020.One hundred years later and in a warmer climate-A case of ecotonal treeline change in the Swedish Scandes, Ecology & Conservation Science. Open Access 1 (3): 555564. DOI: 10.19080/ECOA.2020-01.555564.
Kullman, L. 2020. Främmande trädarter sprids till svenska fjällbjörkskogar. Fauna & Flora.115(1), 16-21.
Kullman, L & Öberg, L. 2020. The recent history of subalpine krummholz pines (Pimus sylvestris) in the Swedish Scandes. International Journal of Research in Geography 6(1), 16-28.
Kullman, L 2019. Early signs of a fundamental subalpine ecosystem shift in the Swedish Scandes - the case of the pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) treeline ecotone. Geo-Öko 48, 122-175.
Kullman, L. 2018. A recent and distinct pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) reproduction upsurge at the treeline in the Swedish Scandes. International Journal of Research in Geography 4(4), 39-52.
Kullman, L. 2018. A review and analysis of factual change on the max rise of the Swedish Scandes treeline, in relation to climate change over the past 100 years. Journal of Ecology & Natural Resources. DOI: 10.23880/jenr-16000150.
Kullman, L. 2018. Larix - an overlooked taxon in boreal vegetation history of northern Scandinavia. A review with perspective on incongruencies between megafossil and pollen records. Geo-Öko 39, 90-110.
Kullman, L. & Öberg, L. 2018. A one hundred - year study of the upper limit of tree growth (Terminus arboreus) in the Swedish Scandes - Updated and illustrated change in an historical perspective. International Journal of Research in Geography 4(3),10-35.
Kullman, L. 2018. Recent treeline shift in the Kebnekaise Mountains, northern Sweden - a climate change case. International Journal of Current Research 10(1), 63786-63972.
Kullman, L. 2017. Further details on Holocene treeline, glacier/ice patch and climate history in Swedish Lapland. International Journal of Research in Geography 3(4), 32-40.
Kullman, L. 2017. Pine (Pinus sylvestris) treeline performance in the southern Swedish Scandes since the early-20th century - a dynamic phytogeographical perspective based on repeat survey and photography. Acta Phytogeographica Suecica 90, 1-46.
Kullman, L. 2017. Melting glaciers in the Swedish Scandes provide new insights into palaeotreeline performance. International Journal of Current Multidisciplinary Studies 3 (3), 607-618.
Kullman, L. 2016. Pine (Pinus sylvestris) penetration towards the head of the Handölan Valley - recent reversal of long-term retrogressional trend - contrasting responses of tree- and forest line. International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research 2( (5), 163-172.
Kullman, L. 2016. Climate change and primary birch forest (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) succession in the treeline ecotone of the Swedish Scandes. International Journal of Research in Geography 2 (2), 36-47.
Kullman, L. 2016. Fjällen klimatet och människan - naturhistoria i skarven mellan två istider. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 110, 132-272.
Kullman, L. & Öberg, L. 2016. Historical performance of an outlying subarctic spruce (Picea abies) population in northern Swedish Lapland. International Journal of Information Research and Review 3 (2), 1863-1872.
Kullman, L. 2015. Recent and past trees and climates at the arctic/alpine margin in Swedish Lapland - an Abisko case study review. Journal of Biodiversity Management & Forestry 2015, 4:4.
Kullman, L. 2015. Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) treeline ecotone performnce since the mid-1970s in the Swedish Scandes - evidence of stability and minor change from repeat surveys and photography. Geo-Öko 36, 23-53.
Kullman, L. 2015. Higher-than-present Medieval pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) treeline along the Swedish Scandes. Landscape Online 42, 1-14.
Kullman, L. 2015. När eken växte vild i fjällen - en varmare och rikare tid. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 109, 260-266.
Kullman, L. 2015. Trädgräns i fjällen. Sammanställning och utvärdering av en metodstudie för klimatrelaterad miljöövervakning. Länsstyrelsen Jämtlands län. Rapport Diarienummer 502-1091-2015. 156 pp.
Kullman, L & Öberg, L.. 2015. New aspects of high-mountain palaeobiogeography - a synthesis of data from forefields of receding glaciers and ice patches in the Tärna and Kebnekaise Mountains, Swedish Lapland. Arctic 68, 141-152..
Kullman, L. 2014. Recent cooling and dynamic responses of alpine summit floras in the southern Swedish Scandes. Nordic Journal of Botany 32, 369-376.
Kullman, L. 2014. Treeline (Pinus sylvestris) landscape evolution in the Swedish Scandes - A forty-year demographic effort viewed in a broader temporal scale. Norwegian Journal of Geography 68, 155-167.
Kullman, L. 2014. Trädgränsens förändring 1974 till 2013. Fotoserie från fjället Östra Barfredhågna i norra Dalarna. Länsstyrelsen Dalarnas län, Rapport 2014:09. 67 pp.
Kullman, L. 2013. Ecological tree line history and palaeoclimate - review of megafossil evidence from the Swedish Scandes. Boreas 42, 555-567.
Kullman, L. & Öberg, L. 2013. Melting glaciers and ice patches in Swedish Lapland provide new insights into the Holocene arboreal history. Geo-Öko 33, 121-146.
Öberg, L. & Kullman, L. 2012. Contrasting short-term performance of mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) treeline along altitudinal continentality-maritimity gradient in the southern Swedish Scandes. Fennia 190, 19-40.
Kullman, L. 2012. The alpine treeline ecotone in the southernmost Swedish Scandes - dynamism on different scales. In: Ecotones between forest and grassland. Ed. by R. Myster. Springer, New York, 271-298.
Öberg, L. & Kullman, L. 2011. Recent glacier recession - a new source of postglacial treeline and climate history in the Swedish Scandes. Landscape Online 26, 1-38.
Öberg, L. & Kullman, L. 2011. Ancient subalpine clonal spruces (Picea abies): sources of postglacial vegetation history in the Swedish Scandes. Arctic 64, 183-196.
Kullman, L. 2010. Alpine flora dynamics - a critical review of responses to climate change in the Swedish Scandes since the early 1950s. Nordic Journal of Botany 28, 398-408.
Kullman, L. 2010. A richer, greener and smaller alpine world - review and projection of warming-induced plant cover change in the Swedish Scandes. Ambio 39, 159-169.
Kullman, L. 2010. One century of treeline change and stability - experiences from the Swedish Scandes. Landscape Online 17, 1-31.
Kullman, L. 2009. Recent change of alpine vegetation and plant species richness in the Swedish Scandes. Mountain Forum Bulletin 9(2), 20-21.
Kullman, L. & Öberg, L. 2009. Post–Little Ice Age treeline rise and climate warming in the Swedish Scandes – a landscape ecological perspective. Journal of Ecology 97, 415-429.
Kullman, L. 2009. High species turnover and decreasing species richness on mountain summits in Sweden. Comment. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 41, 151.
Kullman, L. 2008. Early postglacial appearance of tree species in northern Scandinavia: review and perspective. Quaternary Science Reviews 27, 2467-2472.
Kullman, L. 2008. Thermophilic tree species re-invade subalpine Sweden – early responses to anomalous Late-Holocene climate warming. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 40, 104-110.
Kullman, L. 2007. Tree line population monitoring of Pinus sylvestris in the Swedish Scandes, 1973-2005: implications for tree line theory and climate change ecology. Journal of Ecology 95, 41-52.
Kullman, L. 2007. Long-term geobotanical observations of climate change impacts in the Scandes of West-Central Sweden. Nordic Journal of Botany. 24, 445-467.
Kullman, L. 2007. Modern climate change and shifting ecological states of the subalpine/alpine landscape in the Swedish Scandes. Geo-Öko 28, 187-221. .
Kullman, L. 2006. Transformation of alpine and subalpine vegetation in a potentially warmer future, the Anthropocene era. Tentative projections based on long-term observations and paleovegetation records. Current Trends in Ecology 1, 1-16.
Kullman, L. & Kjällgren, L. 2006. Holocene pine tree-line evolution in the Swedish Scandes: Recent tree-line rise and climate change in a long-term perspective. Boreas 35, 159-168.
Kullman, L. 2006. Late-glacial trees from arctic coast to alpine tundra. Journal of Biogeography 33, 376.
Kullman, L. 2006. Increase in plant species richness on alpine summits in the Swedish Scandes – impacts of recent climate change. In: “Global Change in Mountain Regions”, ed. by M.F. Price. Sapiens Publishing, Duncow, pp. 168-169.
Kullman, L. 2005. Mountain Taiga of Sweden. In: “The Physical Geography of Fennoscandia”, ed. by M. Seppälä. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 297-324.
Kullman, L. 2005. Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) treeline dynamics during the past millennium – a population study in west-central Sweden. Annales Botanici Fennici 42, 95-106.
Kullman, L. 2005. Wind-conditioned 20th century decline of birch treeline vegetation in the Swedish Scandes. Arctic 58, 286-294.
Kullman, L. 2005. Trädgränsen i Dalafjällen. Del 2. Tandövala - försvinnande sydlig fjällvärld. Länsstyrelsen i Dalarnas län. Miljövårdsenheten Rapport 2005:10, 1-48.
Kullman, L. 2004. The changing face of the alpine world. Global Change Newsletter 57, 12-14.
Kullman, L. 2004. Early Holocene appearance of mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa) at unprecedented high elevations in the Swedish Scandes. Megafossil evidence exposed by recent snow and ice recession. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 36,172-180.
Kullman, L. 2004. A face of global warming – “Ice birches” and a changing alpine plant cover. Geo-Öko 25, 181-202.
Kullman, L. 2004. Tree-limit landscape evolution at the southern fringe of the Swedish Scandes (Dalarna province) – Holocene and 20th century perspectives. Fennia 82, 73-94.
Kullman, L. 2003. Changes in alpine plant cover. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 97, 210-221.
Kullman, L. 2003. Recent reversal of Neoglacial climate cooling trend in the Swedish Scandes as evidenced by mountain birch tree-limit rise. Global and Planetary Change 36,77-88.
Kjällgren, L. & Kullman, L. 2002. Geographical patterns of tree-limits of Norway spruce and Scots pine in the southern Swedish Scandes. Norwegian Journal of Geography 56, 237-245
Kullman, L. 2002. Boreal tree taxa in the central Scandes during the Late-Glacial: implications for Late-Quaternary forest history. Journal of Biogeography 29, 1117-1124.
Kullman, L. 2002. Rapid recent range-margin rise of tree and shrub species in the Swedish Scandes. Journal of Ecology 90, 68-77.
Kullman, L. 2002. Alpine tree-limits responding to 20th century warming trend in the Swedish Scandes. World Resource Review 13, 473-491.
Kullman, L. 2001. Immigration of Picea abies into North-Central Sweden. New evidence of regional expansion and tree-limit evolution. Nordic Journal of Botany 21, 39-54.
Kullman, L. 2001. A new approach to postglacial forest history of northern Scandinavia. Review of megafossil and macrofossil evidence. Recent Research Developments in Ecology 1, 1-19.
Kullman, L. 2001. 20th century climate warming trend and tree-limit rise in the southern Scandes of Sweden. Ambio 30, 72-80.
Kullman, L. 2001. Alpine tree-limits responding to 20th century warming trend in the Swedish Scandes. World Resource Review 13, 473-491.
Kullman, L. 2000. The geoecological history of Picea abies in northern Sweden and adjacent parts of Norway. GEOÖKO 21, 141-172.
Kullman, L. 2000. Tree-limit rise and recent warming: a geoecological case study from the Swedish Scandes. Norwegian Journal of Geography 54, 49-59.
Kullman, L. & Kjällgren, L. 2000. A coherent postglacial tree-limit chronology (Pinus sylvestris L.) for the Swedish Scandes. Aspects of paleoclimate and “recent warming”, based on megafossil evidence. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 32, 419-428.
Kullman, L. 2000. Early Holocene tree-limits in Swedish Lapland. Geografiska Annaler 82A, 137-138.
Kullman, L. 1999. Early Holocene tree-growth at a high-elevation site in the northernmost Scandes of Sweden (Lapland). A palaeobiogeographical case study based on megafossil evidence. Geografiska Annaler 81A, 63-74.
Kullman, L. 1998. Tree-limits and montane forests in the Swedish Scandes: sensitive biomonitors of climatic change and variability. Ambio 27, 312-321.
Kjällgren, L. & Kullman, L. 1998. Spatial patterns and structure of the mountain birch tree-limit in the southern Swedish Scandes – a regional perspective. Geografiska Annaler 80A 11-16.
Kullman, L. 1998. Non-analogous tree flora in the Scandes Mountains, Sweden, during the early Holocene – macrofossil evidence of rapid geographic spread and response to palaeoclimate. Boreas 27, 153-161.
Kullman, L. 1998. The occurrence of thermophilous trees in the Scandes Mountains during the early Holocene: evidence for a diverse tree flora from macroscopic remains. Journal of Ecology 89, 421-428.
Kullman, L. 1998. Palaeoecological, biogeographical and palaeoclimatological implications of early Holocene immigration of Larix sibirica into the Scandes Mountains, Sweden. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters 7, 181-188.
Kullman, L. & Engelmark, O. 1997. Neoglacial climate control of subarctic Picea abies stand dynamics and range limit in northern Sweden. Arctic and Alpine Research 29, 315-326.
Kullman, L. 1997. Tree-limit stress and disturbance. A 25 year survey of geoecological change in the Scandes Mountains of Sweden. Geografiska Annaler 79A, 139-165.
Kullman, L. 1996. Rise and demise of cold-climate Picea abies forest in Sweden. New Phytologist 134, 243-256.
Kullman, L. 1996. Structural population dynamics of pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) during the past 500 years close to the tree-limit in northern Sweden. Palaeoclimate Research 20, 75-82.
Kullman, L., 1996. Norway spruce present in the Scandes Mountains, Sweden at 8000 BP: new light on Holocene tree spread. Global Ecology and Biogeography 5, 94-101.
Kullman, L. 1996. Recent cooling of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in the forest-alpine tundra ecotone of the Swedish Scandes. Journal of Biogeography 23, 843–854.
Kullman, L. 1995. New and firm evidence for Mid-Holocene appearance of Picea abies in the Scandes Mountains, Sweden. Journal of Ecology 83, 439–447.
Kullman, L. 1995. Holocene tree-limit and climate history from the Scandes mountains, Sweden. Ecology 76, 2490–2502.
Kullman, L. 1994. Palaeoecology of pine (Pinus sylvestris) in the Swedish Scandes and a review of the analysis of subfossil wood. Geografiska Annaler 75A, 247–259.
Kullman, L. 1994. The Holocene history of a subalpine birch forest enclave: subfossil evidence from Central Sweden. Géographie physique et Quaternaire 48, 151-156.
Engelmark, O., Kullman, L. & Bergeron, Y. 1994. Fire and age structure of Scots pine and Norway spruce in northern Sweden during the past 700 years. New Phytologist 126, 163-168.
Kullman, L. 1994. Climate and environmental change at high northern latitudes. Progress in Physical Geography 18, 124–135.
Kullman, L. 1994. Palaeoecology of pine (Pinus sylvestris) in the Swedish Scandes and a review of the analysis of subfossil wood. Geografiska Annaler 75A, 247–259
Kullman, L. 1994. Climate and environmental change at high northern altitudes. Progress in Physical Geography 18, 124-135.
Kullman, L., 1993. Tree limit dynamics of Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa in relation to climate variability: evidence from central Sweden. Journal of Vegetation Science 4, 765–772.
Kullman, L. 1993. Dynamism of the altitudinal margin of the boreal forest in Sweden. Paleoclimate Research 9, 41-55.
Kullman, L. 1993. Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) tree-limit surveillance during recent decades, Central Sweden. Arctic and Alpine Research 25, 24–31.
Kullman, L. 1993. Holocene thermal trend inferred from tree-limit history in the Scandes Mountains. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters 2, 181–188.
Kullman, L. 1992. High latitude environments and environmental change. Progress in Physical Geography 16, 478–488.
Kullman, L. 1992. Climatically induced regeneration patterns of marginal populations of Pinus sylvestris in northern Sweden. Oecologia Montana 1, 5–10.
Kullman, L. 1992. The ecological status of grey alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench) in the upper subalpine birch forest of the central Scandes. New Phytologist 120, 445–451.
Kullman, L., 1992. Orbital forcing and tree-limit history: hypothesis and preliminary interpretation of evidence from Swedish Lappland. The Holocene 2, 131–137.
Kullman, L. 1991. Ground frost restriction of subarctic Picea abies forest in northern Sweden. A dendroecological analysis. Geografiska Annaler 73A, 167–168.
Kullman, L. 1991. Pattern and process of present tree-limits in the Tärna region, southern Swedish Lapland. Fennia 169, 25–38.
Kullman, L. 1991. Cataclysmic response to recent cooling of a natural boreal pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest in northern Sweden. New Phytologist 117, 351–360.
Kullman, L, 1991. Structural change in a subalpine birch woodland in Northern Sweden during the past century. Journal of Biogeography 18: 53–62.
Kullman, L. & Engelmark, O.1991. Historical biogeography of Picea abies forest in northern Sweden. Journal of Biogeography 18, 63-70.
Hofgard, A., Kullman, L. & Alexandersson, H. 1991. Response of old-growth montane Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forest to climatic variability in northern Sweden. New Phytologist 119, 585-594.
Kullman, L. 1990. Dynamics of altitudinal tree-limits in Sweden: a review. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 44, 103–116.
Kullman, L. & Engelmark, O. 1990. A high Late Holocene tree-limit and the establishment of the spruce forest-limit - a case study in northern Sweden. Boreas 19, 323-331.
Kullman, L. 1989. Cold-induced dieback of montane spruce forest in the Swedish Scandes – a modern analogue of palaeoenvironmental processes. New Phytologist 113, 377–389.
Kullman, L. 1989. Recent retrogression of the forest-alpine tundra ecotone (Betula pubescens Ehrh. ssp. tortuosa (Ledeb.) Nyman) in the Scandes Mountains, Sweden. Journal of Biogeography 16, 83-90.
Kullman, L. 1989. Geoecological aspects of episodic permafrost expansion in north Sweden. Geografiska Annaler 71A, 255–262.
Kullman, L. & Högberg, N. 1989. Rapid natural decline of upper montane forests in the Swedish Scandes. Arctic 42, 217-226.
Kullman, L., 1989. Tree-limit history during the Holocene in the Scandes Mountains, Sweden, inferred from subfossil wood. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 58, 163–171.
Kullman, L. 1989. Renbeteseffekter på Sånfjället. – Naturvårdsverket Rapport 3574, 1-23.
Kullman, L. 1988. Subalpine Picea abies decline in the Swedish Scandes. Mountain Research and Development 8, 33–42.
Kullman, L. 1988. Holocene history of the forest-aöpine tundra ecotone in the Scandes Mountains (central Sweden). New Phyrologist 108, 101-110.
Kullman, L. 1989. Trädgränsdynamik i olika tidsskalor - en översikt. Universitetet i Trondheim, Vitenskapsmuseet. Rapport Botanisk Serie 1989-2, 5-12.
Kullman, L., 1988. Holocene history of the forest-alpine tundra ecotone in the Swedish Mountains (central Sweden). New Phytologist 108, 101–110.
Kullman, L. 1988. Short-term approach to tree-limit and thermal climate. Evidence from Pinus sylvestris in the Swedish Scandes. Annales Botanici Fennici 25, 219-227.
Kullman, L. 1987. Little Ice Age decline of a cold marginal Pinus sylvestris forest in the Swedish Scandes. New Phytologist 106, 567–584.
Kullman, L., 1987. Tree-vigour monitoring by repeat photography in the forest alpine tundra ecotone. Ambio 16, 160–62.
Kullman, L. 1987. Sequences of Holocene forest history in the Scandes, inferred from megafossil Pinus sylvestris. Boreas 16, 21-26.
Kullman, L. 1987. Long-term dynamics of high-altitude populations of Pinus sylvestris in the Swedish Scandes. Journal of Biogeography 14, 1-8.
Kullman, L., 1987. A decade of tree-line monitoring in the southern Swedish Scandes. UNGI-rapport 65, 191-202.
Kullman, L. 1986. Recent tree-limit history of Picea abies in the southern Swedish Scandes. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 16, 761-771.
Kullman, L. 1986. Demography of Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa sown in contrasting habitats close to the birch tree-limit in Central Sweden. Vegetatio 65, 13–20.
Kullman, L. 1986. Temporal and spatial aspects of subalpine populations of Sorbus aucuparia in Sweden. Annales Botanici Fennici 23, 267–275.
Kullman, L. 1986: Late Holocene reproductional patterns of Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies at the forest limit in central Sweden. Canadian Journal of Botany 64, 1682–1690.
Kullman, L. 1986. Dynamiska aspekter på barrträdens förekomst och uppträdande i Røros kommun, Sør-Trøndelag. Blyttia 44, 1-9.
Kullman, L. 1984: Germinability of mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa) along two altitudinal transects downslope from the tree-limit, in Sweden. Reports from the Kevo Subarctic Research Station 19, 11–18.
Kullman, L. 1985. Växtbiografi - ett komplement i föryngringsforskningen. Sveriges Skogsvårdsförbunds Tidskrift 80, 3-9.
Kullman, L. 1985. Ekologiska ramar för skogsodling i klimatiskt marginella höglägen. Institutionen för Skoglig genetik/växtfysiologi, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet Rapport 4, 188-200.
Kullman, L. 1984. Transplantation experiments with saplings of Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa near the tree-limit in Central Sweden. Holarctic Ecology 7, 289–293.
Kullman, L. 1983. Past and present tree-lines of different species in the Handölan Valley, Central Sweden. Nordicana 47, 25-45.
Kullman, L. 1983. Short-term population trends of isolated tree-limit stands of Pinus sylvestris L. in central Sweden. Arctic and Alpine Research, 15, 369–382.
Kullman, L. 1982. Tandövala – a real barren hill or what? Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 76, 185–196.
Kullman, L. 1982: Utbredningen av sjöranunkeln (Ranunculus lingua) i norra Sverige. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 76, 213–214.
Kullman, L. 1981. Some aspects of the ecology of the Scandinavian subalpine birch forest belt. Wahlenbergia 7, 99–112.
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